• ELD Services & Language Instructional Programs

    After students have been classified as English learners, they must be provided with appropriate English language development services; and special education services if they have been also identified as students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. 
    To determine which English language development services and programs are best suited for a student, the following must be considered:

    • English proficiency level
      Grade level
      Educational background
      Language background
      Disabilities, if any

    Other factors that should be considered include the student’s home language literacy; acculturation into U.S. society; and age he entered the United States. School site administrators must ensure that qualified teachers and staff provide English language development services and that they understand and address these factors. 

    ELD Services

    Appropriate English language development services and education programs enable ELs to attain both English proficiency and parity of participation in the general education program within a reasonable amount of time. These services are offered until ELs are proficient in English and can participate meaningfully in education programs without EL support. 

    English Language Development (ELD) Instruction

    In 2017, the California Code of Regulations was updated with new definitions of integrated and designated ELD instruction. The Education Code also makes clear that comprehensive ELD, which includes both integrated and designated ELD, should be provided to all EL students, including students with disabilities, at all English language proficiency levels, in all grade levels, in all EL programs, and in all schools. It is a fundamental and non-negotiable service requirement for all EL students. 

    DESIGNATED ELD is instruction provided during a time set aside in the regular school day for focused instruction on the CA ELD Standards to assist English learner students to develop critical English language skills necessary for academic content learning in English. 


    Must be included in the school site’s master schedule
    Every EL student must have an ELD course on their class schedule
    Must be provided everyday, for at least 30 minutes (unless a parent has filed a formal opt-out request with Special Programs and it has been approved), using standards-based, district-approved ELD curriculum:
         Wonders ELD for grades K-5
         StudySync ELD for grades 6-8

    INTEGRATED ELD is instruction in which the CA ELD Standards are used in tandem with the common core academic content standards. Integrated ELD includes specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE). 
    Must be provided everyday, in all core subjects by all teachers of ELs
    Must provide meaningful access to the core curriculum




  • Cindy Queen- Director of Assessment, Educational Technology, and Multilingual Learner Programs

    Division of Innovation and Technology Services

    661-948-4661 Ex 253