Good afternoon,


Now that the 2024-2025 school year is quickly approaching, I have included some important reminders regarding the SMART tag request process for all general ed. student riders.


For new student riders, your office will provide the blank Transit Bus Transportation Form (TBTR) to the new students, the parent/guardian will need to complete and return the TBTR form to your office, and your office will verify that their address is within busing, provide the student with the bus stop location and times, and mark them eligible in PowerSchool. Charles is finalizing the gen. ed. routes for 2024-2025, he will send the bus stop information once complete. Charles will run the eligibility report in August and provide me with a list of new students marked as eligible. Once the new passes have been printed, they will be sent out with the drivers for distribution when school begins (this process will take longer at the beginning of the semester).  


For returning students who have not moved, the students do not need to submit a new TBTR form, but please make sure that your office has them marked eligible in PowerSchool as they will use their existing SMART tag pass from last year.


For returning students who HAVE moved, provide the TBTR to the student for the parent/guardian to complete, once received your office will need to verify that the new address is within the busing boundaries and provide them with the new stop information. If they no longer qualify based on the new address, please inform the parent/guardian that they no longer qualify and unmark their ridership in PowerSchool.


As a reminder, SMART tags are only distributed once, if your returning students have lost or damaged their SMART-Tag, please direct them to our website > https://www.avsta.com/bus-rider-portal to request a replacement free of charge.


Lastly, please be sure that all students marked for ridership are still using transportation. If they are no longer ridingplease unmark their ridership in PowerSchool so that our ridership counts are accurate and up to date.


If you need additional TBTR’s or replacement postcards, please let me know and I will send them via jet mail.


Please let me know if you have any questions.


Have a great rest of your summer!


Thank you,


Sherynn Morton

Executive Assistant

Antelope Valley Schools Transportation Agency

670 West Avenue L-8, Lancaster, CA 93534

Phone: (661) 945-3621  Emails.morton@avsta.com




LSD SMART-Tag TBTR School Instructions 2024-2025


2024-2025 SMART tag Gen Ed Elem. Middle School Parent Packet Eng-Span