
    Physical Education Syllabus 2022-2023


    This course will focus on teaching students to work cooperatively to achieve a common goal, meet challenges, make decisions, and problem solve. Students will demonstrate ability to follow directions as well as knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles, and strategies to improve their overall health and performance.


    • School Uniform - Students may purchase their PE clothes through the PE department. Shirts: $10, Shorts: $10, Sweatpants $15, and Hooded Pullover Sweatshirts $20. We also offer package deals, Sweats package: Hooded Pullover Sweatshirt and Sweatpants $30, and the Sport Package: PE T-Shirt, PE Shorts, Sweat Pants, and Hooded Pullover Sweatshirt $50.
    • Alternate Uniform - Students may bring an alternate uniform from home. Alternate uniforms must be plain gray or black (NO PRE-PRINTED LOGOS OR WRITING). They may consist of a t-shirt (crew neck only, NO V-NECKS), shorts, sweatpants, or sweatshirts, For safety reasons, NO JACKETS or anything with zippers or buttons are to be worn out to PE as they may cause injury during activity. Sweatshirts must be pullover in style, they may have hoods attached if you wish but are not required. All P.E. clothing must be designated as such thus clothing for PE will be marked “NVMS PE” in 2-3 inch lettering across the chest and on the left thigh of shorts and sweat pants. Students will also write their first and last name on all P.E. clothing with a black permanent marker.  Name should be written at least 2 inches in size across the stomach of the t-shirt/sweatshirt and on the left thigh of shorts or sweatpants.  This will help to recover lost clothing.
    • Footwear - Athletic type socks and shoes are also required and must be laced up and tied properly to help prevent injury- NO BOOTS, SANDALS, SLIP-ONS, ETC.
    • Jewelry, cell phones, and backpacks may NOT be brought out to P.E., they should be locked up in the students provided locker.
    • Care for Uniforms - Students are responsible for keeping uniforms clean. They should be taken home at the end of the week to be washed and brought back at the beginning of the following week


    Living in the desert we will experience both hot and cold weather, this is not a reason to not dress out. Students must be prepared with both warm and cold weather PE clothes as described above. Students will have approximately 7 minutes at the beginning of the period and 7 minutes at the end of the period to dress out. Disciplinary action will be taken if dressing out becomes an issue.  Students are to report immediately to their assigned roll call number after dressing out.  Non-dress students will only be allowed in the locker room to lock up their backpack and must leave immediately when done, going directly to their class line.

    • Dressing out is essential to any PE related class. Students are expected to dress out every day for activity.  Students should be prepared for both hot and cold weather and bring deodorant (stick or roll-on only) for use after class (SPRAYS/AIROSOLES ARE NOT ALLOWED AT SCHOOL).
    • Over Dressing (putting your PE clothes on over your regular school clothes) will be counted as a non-dress for the day and non-dress penalties will apply.
    • Parent notes – Parents can excuse students from participation for 1-3 days, but students will still be required to dress out.
    • Doctor notes - Only students with a written excuse from a Doctor will not be required to dress out. Doctors notes are only valid for 1 month max, they must have a return to PE date or next doctors visit date within 1 month.
    • Students that cannot participate in class due to a note will be given an alternate activity for the duration of the excuse.


    Dressing Out Means:

    • Tennis Shoes, Shorts or Sweatpants, T-shirt (crew neck only, no V-necks) or sweatshirt

    Dressing Out Does NOT mean

    • Jeans, Jean shorts, Khakis, Skirts, Board Shorts, or anything of that nature.
    • Jackets (anything with a zipper or buttons)
    • Flip-Flops, Sandals, Boots, etc…
    • Tank tops, V-Necks, Halters, etc…School Dress Code still apply
    • No Jewelry is to be worn out to P.E. (i.e. bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc.)




    Students will be assigned to a locker (locks will be provided) to use for the school year. A fee of $8 will be charged to students who lose/damage their locks. NO LOCKS FROM HOME ARE ALLOWED. New Vista’s PE department reserves the right to cut off any lock brought from home. The PE department is not responsible for lost or stolen items. Students may NOT share lockers and should not give out their combinations. Students must make sure to lock their lockers to prevent theft. No glass items are allowed in the locker room (i.e. cologne, perfume, etc.)


    • Tardies – Students who are tardy to class will lose points. Chronic tardies will be met with further disciplinary action.
    • Absences - Students will lose participation points when they are absent from class. A one page hand written report on anything sport/nutrition related can be turned in to earn these points back, 1 page for each day a student is absent.


    • Students will be respectful to themselves, all peers, staff, and PE equipment.
    • Horseplay, play fighting, cursing and obscenities will not be tolerated.
    • Students will come to class with a positive attitude and ready to be active.
    • Students will be on their lines when class begins.
    • Students must be in proper dress code (dressed out).
    • No Cell phones are to be brought out to PE.
    • Students must not leave PE area until the bell rings.
    • No food or drinks allowed in the PE areas, except water.

     (Waters and Chewy bars will be sold after PE and are not to be eaten or drank inside the locker room.)


    Main Office (661)726-4271       Girls P.E. ext 224           Boys P.E. ext 287   

    Mr. Gridler gridlerj@lancsd.org  Mr. Rocha rochak@lancsd.org 

    Ms. Hultquist hultquists@lancsd.org