Board Meetings
The Lancaster School District is committed to public input and participation in school board meetings in a manner that is consistent with guidance provided by our county public health officials. We are conducting in-person meetings.
Anyone wishing to view the meeting virtually may do so via our YouTube or Facebook channels. The meeting is also recorded and available as a public record, upon request.
Meeting Attendance
Meetings will be held in-person at Park View Educational Complex, Multi-Purpose Room, 808 West Avenue J, Lancaster, CA 93534 unless otherwise noted. (Please check the agenda that is posted 72 hours prior to each meeting). The Board will open the meeting at 5:00 p.m. to approve the agenda and take comments on closed session items only. They will then adjourn to a closed session. The public (main) portion of the meeting begins at 6:00 p.m.
Meetings will also be broadcast via the Lancaster School District YouTube and Facebook channels.
Public Comments
If you wish to make a comment, you must attend in person and complete a speaker card and present it to the Deputy Superintendent or other district official prior to the start of the main public portion of the meeting. Your name will be called during the “Addressing the Board” portion of the agenda and you may come to the podium to address the Board.
Please Note: The main public portion of the meeting begins at 6:00 p.m. Unless you are commenting on a closed session agenda item, you will not be called upon until after 6:00 p.m.