Tutoring/Homework Help

  • About Tutoring

    Everyone needs a little extra help now and then! Take advantage of free tutoring services available.


    Offers free online tutoring for TK-8th grade students - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Login through your student's Classlink or G Suite account to access the app. It's a safe place to learn and a variety of subject are available. Connect with a tutor today.


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  • About Homework

    Homework is defined as student-learning activities conducted outside of regular classroom hours, which extend and support classroom-learning opportunities. It is not a displacement of, or substitute for, classroom instruction. The Lancaster School District considers homework to be an essential component of a well-planned instructional program and recognizes that it serves a variety of purposes including:

    • Improving student learning, performance, and achievement
    • Allowing students to build a sense of responsibility for their own education
    • Informing and involving parents in the educational process
    • Enabling students to develop regular study habits, time management, and self-discipline basic to effective study

    For specific questions regarding homework, please contact your child’s teacher or school directly. (Board Policy 6154)

    In addition, HelpNow (www.colapublib.org) is a free service offered to students in grades 4-12 by the Los Angeles County Public Library. All that is required is an Internet connection and a County of Los Angeles Public Library Card. The program connects students with qualified tutors in real time online via a chat mode and is available in English and Spanish.