Meet the Board



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Pamela Starlson

Currently President of the Board, Mrs. Starlson's term expires in November 2026. (Trustee Area 5)



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Greg Tepe

Greg Tepe 

Currently, Vice-President of the Board, Mr. Tepe's term expires in November 2024. (Trustee Area 3)



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Keith Giles

Keith Giles was a member of the Lancaster School District Board from 1997 to 2013 and was elected in 2015. He brings a wealth of experience and commitment to the position. He has been a member of the Antelope Valley School Boards Association since 1998 and served as President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Third Vice President and Treasurer. Additionally, he served as a CSBA board member/director on the Delegate Assembly for many years. He earned his Masters in Boardsmanship in 1998 and has participated in numerous CSBA professional development workshops and trainings.

Giles works for Antelope Valley Produce Co. and has been a Los Angeles County Reserve Deputy Sheriff since 2003. He holds a degree in business administration from Antelope Valley College. Giles and his wife, Laura, have been married since 1981 and have nine children and seven grandchildren.

Currently, Clerk of the Board, Mr. Giles's term expires in November 2024. (Trustee Area 1)



Degrees and Certifications:

Mrs. Jullie Eutsler

Mrs. Eutsler's term will expire in November 2026 (Trustee Area 4).



Degrees and Certifications:

Mr. Duane Winn

Duane Winn is married and the father of two daughters (both teachers) and grandfather of one.

Mr. Winn's term expires in November 2026. (Trustee Area 2)