• The School English Learner Team

    The Lancaster School District recognizes that educating English learners is not the sole responsibility of the classroom teacher, but a central responsibility of each and every educator.

    Our school site teams provide leadership and accountability to ensure English learners and their families have a positive and productive educational experience. 


    Assistant Principal

    EL Chair

    Instructional Coach

    Assessment Chair



    Bilingual Paraeducator

    As the instructional leader of the school site, the Principal oversees every instructional program on campus, allocates resources, and communicates with English learner families about programs and support available to every student. 


    Under the direction of the Principal, the Assistant Principal supervises ELD instruction, the ELPAC administration, and Reclassification and monitoring of English learners. 


    Under the direction of the Coordinator of EL, the EL Chair is responsible for keeping and submitting evidence of program compliance, sharing district information to the school staff, and support bilingual paraeducators with schedules and resources.   


    Under the direction of the Principal and the Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment, the Instructional Coach supports teachers and the effective instruction for all students, including English learners. The Assessment Chair schedules and trains teachers for all state assessments, including the ELPAC. 


    Teachers provide standards-based, data-driven comprehensive ELD to all English learners. 


    Bilingual paraeducators are an additional support in the classroom for  English learners. Bilingual paraeducators help English learners access the grade level academic standards and provide primary language support as needed. 


    Professional Development

    Lancaster School District recognizes the importance of, and encourages professional development for all staff, not only to ensure the best outcomes for students but also to be more effective and satisfied in various other aspects of their work. 

    Professional development is offered year-round in a variety of topics and delivery modes.